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SCAD Diving is a new, unique thrill ride. It is the only system in the world, that allows unattached, controlled free fall. The rider gets to the release level at 150 feet height by using a special elevator or the stairs outside the tower. Mobile operations use buildings or cranes. A staff member activates a descend system and releases the diver after a countdown.
The very long free fall is completely without attachments. The customer will drop into the suspended catch air device (SCAD). The airtubes and brake suspensions around the double SCAD net stop the fall so softly, that the rider feels no impact at all. The free fall experience is therefore very intense. After landing the entire SCAD device will be lowered a short distance to the ground, so the rider can exit by himself and enjoy the incredible feeling of personal achievement, that will surely last a lifetime.

The release
Once the release has been pulled the rider feels the enormous force of real gravity out of the totally still position. The CFF harness guarantees the correct body position at all times.
At the top
Visitors that wish to experience more than the panoramic view, connect to the SCAD release system and sit down in the special CFF (controlled free fall) harness.
The free fall
The rider accelerates up to 70 mph in a completely unattached free fall over 100 ft which creates an extraordinary rush, just like a parachute jump.

The landing net
The landing into a huge airtube supported double net feels like dropping into a giant cushion
and the rider does not feel any impact. The maximum G-Force is only 4 G.
On the way up
Customers and visitors travel with the 8 Passenger elevator cabin to the top of the tower.

Getting ready
Riders receiving their quick-fit CFF free fall harness.
Back to earth
When the SCAD net drives back to the ground the Rider´s rush turns into an overwhelming feeling of achievement that makes this experience one of a lifetime.

 CFF System
All riders connect to the CFF Controlled Free Fall system. CFF guarantees a secure free fall position for a comfortable landing.

The customer is limited in his movements and can not change his position, even at deliberate attempt

The CFF System is a perfect way to enjoy the pure free fall feeling.

Due to the CFF System SCAD is completely safe for untrained persons. There are no special requirements for participation. The g-force ranges between 2,5 and 4. SCAD Diving is a TÜV-approved ride and complies with all CE norms. Since ´97 more than 20.000 customers have performed a safe CFF SCAD Dive.

 The Invention
SCAD Diving ( Suspended Catch Air Device) was invented by Montic, manufacturer of leisure systems, and presented for the first time in April 1997 at the world famous castle Neuschwanstein, Germany.

It is patent pending and world wide unique.